Scott Stevenson writes about Portable Applications on Mac OS X, commenting on how David Chartier wonders where the portable Mac OS X apps are. I’ve gotten a request from a WebnoteHappy use for a portable version of WebnoteHappy. At first I wasn’t sure what to say, but now I realize that this is really the convergence of two trends:

1. Firefox usage increasing on the Mac – and with this the Portable Firefox phenomenon

(I’ve got a popular blog post about Camino vs Firefox and it seems like a majority of the comments are pro-Firefox. Plus, Mint tells me that 46% of visitors to are using Safari, 37% Firefox, and Camino only garnering 8%.)

2. USB drives becoming cheap enough per megabyte to become the equivalent of a swappable hard drive

So I can easily move the location of the data files that WebnoteHappy uses to store the webnotes, folders, and smart folders so they can live on the USB drive/key. Caches could probably live on each machine, they’re just caches after all. But the preferences are still a problem. Unless you do some serious hacking and go completely away from Cocoa and Carbon, user preferences for applications always live in ~/Library/Preferences/.

Anyone up for collaborating on an open source and portable (so it can live in any directory) NSUserDefaults? I’d be interested in giving it a shot.

The only trick is – how do you specify where it would live? Maybe there would be a bootstrap mechanism that would say that all portable preferences live in /Volumes/MyUSBKey/Preferences/ or something.