In “Portable WebnoteHappy“, I wrote that
Plus, Mint tells me that 46% of visitors to are using Safari, 37% Firefox, and Camino only garnering 8%.
I failed to realize that 18% of my visitors are from Windows or Linux. Since IE accounts for 5% of my visitors, that leaves 13% Firefox/Windows or Linux users. So the corrected numbers should read:
(Mac OS X only) Safari 46%, Firefox 24%, Camino 8%, other browsers 4% (anyone have an OmniWeb hack for the User Agent 007 pepper?)
Making those add up to 100% of Mac users (by dividing by 82% of users who visit on a Mac), it breaks up into:
Safari 56%
Firefox 29%
Camino 10%
Others 5%
How do your Mac OS X browser numbers compare?
For Losing Fight (, I have:
52% Mac
45% Windows
3% Linux
For all platforms, the browsers break down as:
Safari 38%
Firefox 37%
Internet Explorer 17%
Camino 3%
Opera 2%
Other 3% (includes 7 different browsers)
Unfortunately, my numbers have a few cross platform browsers (not just Firefox), such as Opera and the browsers contained in Other, so I can’t split the Firefox numbers out based on platform. However, by making a table of browser vs platforms, I can make an estimate of Mac OS X only numbers:
Safari 73%
Firefox 10 – 17%
Camino 6%
Opera 0 – 5%
Others 0 – 5%
There’s lots of rounding and possible estimation errors going on there.
Red Sweater Blog snapshot from the current Mint stats:
70% Mac
28% Windows
2% Linux
All platforms:
Safari 50%
Firefox 29%
IE 12%
Camino 4%
NetNewsWire 2%
Opera 1%
So I guess if we assume all IE users are on Windows that leaves around 16% of my readers as FireFox for Windows and 13% as FireFox Mac. Adjusted for the 70% of readers who are Mac gives (waves magic, probably error-prone hands) Mac averages:
Safari 72%
Firefox 18%
Camino 4%
NetNewsWire 2%
Bad Math Error 4%
Don’t make me do that again, Luis.
I should also note that NetNewsWire (and other RSS aggregators) don’t leave a mark on my Mint stats when they read the feed. So that 2% from NNW is just people who for whatever reason are browsing to my site with the built-in NNW browser.
On my site, it’s:
Safari 36.93%
Firefox 42.02%
IE 13.73%
Camino 3.94 %
Opera 1.82%
and mozilla, netscape, conquerer, and vienna make up everything else that’s below 1%.
I took these stats from Google Analytics and it’s since the beginning of 2006.