Importing your bookmarks into WebnoteHappy is a good way to consolidate your bookmarks into one place where you can add notes and tag them. I’ve already got import from Safari bookmarks working and if you’ve got a browser that can export to XBEL (which is almost none) then that works too. I’m working on importing from other browsers, so please email me or comment here about which ones you use so I can prioritize the work.
In the meantime, Jonathan Wight has kindly created a way to import from OmniWeb into WebnoteHappy. It is a two step process, OmniWeb -> XBEL file then XBEL file -> WebnoteHappy via File > Import from XBEL.
Jon’s quite a talented developer actually – he later followed it up with a way to import your WebLoc files or Internet Clippings into WebnoteHappy. These are those files that are generated when you drag from your browser like Safari and drop on the Desktop or in Finder. This one is quite fancy. It starts off with a Spotlight Importer for weblocs and goes into the second course via a shell script which uses mdfind2 and XSL to generate an XBEL file. Dessert is again importing the XBEL into WebnoteHappy. I have a few friends who have thousands of these weblocs littering their system so maybe this will tide them over until I get an Import from webloc files feature.
Thanks Jon! It’s great to have user contributions – that’s three in two days that I’ve blogged about and there’s at least one more I need to blog. Actually, if anyone speaks Chinese – please let me know since I need a bit of help translating. I think we’re starting to build a community around WebnoteHappy. I’m also thinking of adding some public forums but I’m still evaluating which ones to use. I guess I should also create a “Resources” link with these user contributions.
I am really excited by the idea but have not enough techspeak to follow either Jon’s description or yours. Is there any chance of seeing this information consolidated into basic English?
Joanne: Sorry, sometimes we get a little geeky on this blog. Basically, Jon’s written some helper apps to convert OmniWeb and Weblocs into a file that you can import into WebnoteHappy. You do need to be a bit technical to use them, however.
Note: this is a really good way to get a feature request get done by a developer: write some code that he can leverage either entirely or at least by design.
The good news is that you’ll be seeing enhanced Importing facilities into WebnoteHappy (that will be simple to use) in the near future.