I’m fighting off a cold, but that won’t stop my efforts, only slow them down a bit. I’ve got most of Smart Folders done and I’ll be rolling out the first private beta of WebnoteHappy Pro soon. So if you’re interested in helping me out by beta testing the Pro version, send me an email to probetarequest at happyapps.com and answer the following questions:
- What browser do you mainly use? What other browsers do you use?
- What version of OS X do you run?
- How many webnotes do you have in WebnoteHappy Lite?
- Do you use del.icio.us? If so, what’s your username?
- What is your favorite movie of all time and why?
1. Safari, Firefox, Opera
2. 10.4.3 (Tend to use the latest OS)
3. 2772
4. harttj
5. Casablanca, Adventure, Romance, Good vs Evil
1. Safari (Main), Shiira, Firefox
2. 10.4.5
3. eh.. I’m just testing now. love it.
4. yes: takaakikato
5. Super Size Me: this movie made my mom quit junk food :-)
1. Firefox 1.5, Safari
2. 10.4 (just since last week, since my hard-drive died and was reborn. i usually lag)
3. none, yet
4. del.icio.us id cks
5. favorite movie (not of all time, just favorite right this second) Blade Runner
1. Safari. Also: Firefox, Flock, Custom
2. Currently 10.4.4
3. 0, just getting started, but my current “linkhole” has 203 bookmarks, and I have dozens of regulars in short-named folders in my bookmarks bar
4. I don’t use del.icio.us, but my username is ejoe. However, one of my users has an excellent del.icio.us tutorial using Anthracite and OmniGraffle to make visual maps of keyword relationships: http://www.hippasus.com/resources/mapdelicious/
5. Citizen Kane, because, well, it’s the greatest movie of all time! Another movie I could watch over and over again is Microcosmos, excellent macro cinematography of the hidden life of bugs!